Blurb (Plus Two)

How to write a blurb
1.                  Draw a square box.
2.                  Inside the box, write the title of the book in the middle
3.                  Below the title, write the name of the author
4.                  After that, write a short paragraph (don’t indent) about
(A) the author, his/her manner of writing and style
(B) publisher
(C) year of publication
(D) about the book which includes:
            (i) setting
            (ii) a gist of the work
            (iii) the significance of the book and its relevance
5.                  In the next line, write the quote (indent from the paragraph) which is said either by the author / an illustrious personality.  
6.                  Below the quote, write the name of the person who said it
7.                  In the end, write the other works of the writer in the middle like this:
E.g.                                          Other Books by name of the author
                                                            Mention the book
                                                            Mention the book
Model of a Blurb
Now prepare a blurb of Pratham Pratishruti making use of the hints given below.
·                    Ashapurna Debi created a space of her own in the world of creative literature, and Gender Studies.
·                    She once said, “Slowly and steadily a completely new world was getting created within my mind. It was a world of comprehension, of feeling. It was a world with a never-ending flow of feelings.”
·                    Most of her writings marked a firm protest against the inequality and injustice rooted in gender discrimination.
·                    Her magnum opus Pratham Pratishruti won for her the Jnanpith Award.
·                    The novel is about an uncommon woman, Satyavatie who dared to break the so-called rules made to control the lives of the Bengali women in those days.
·                    The novel that depicts the endless suffering and the liberation of women in Bengal is the true story of women in Bengal is the true story of women everywhere in India.
·                    The novel inspires young minds to create an enlightened world free of segregation.
·                    The novel was published by Ananda Publishers (First published in 1964).
·                    Notable works by Ashapurna Debi – Subarnolata, Bakul Katha



Pratham Pratishruti

                                                        - Ashapurna Debi

Ashapurna Debi created a space of her own in the world of creative literature, and Gender Studies. Most of her writings marked a firm protest against the inequality and injustice rooted in gender discrimination. Her magnum opus Pratham Pratishruti won for her the Jnanpith Award. The novel was published by Ananda Publishers. It was first published in 1964. The novel is about an uncommon woman, Satyavatie who dared to break the so-called rules made to control the lives of the Bengali women in those days. The novel that depicts the endless suffering and the liberation of women in Bengal is the true story of women in Bengal is the true story of women everywhere in India. The novel inspires young minds to create an enlightened world free of segregation.

             “Slowly and steadily a completely new world was getting created   
             within my mind. It was a world of comprehension, of feeling. It was        
             a world with a never-ending flow of feelings.”
                                                                                     -  Ashapurna Debi

 Bakul Katha

s       Important links to other chapters  in unit 1 and  unit 2

1.      The 3Ls of Empowerment by Christine Lagarde (Detailed Summary) 

2.Matchbox by Ashapurna Debi
       3.      Blurb
       4.      “Mending Wall” Summary

5.      AMIGO BROTHERS by Piri Thomas (Detailed Summary)

 6.      The Hour of Truth - Percival Wilde (Detailed Summary)

           7. Announcement


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